Monday, September 12, 2011

Dusting myself off from the Playa...

WoW. What an epic burn. This years Burningman was by far, THE. BEST. BURN. EVER. I got to take David to his first burn, which was amazing, but it was so much more than that... the people we camped with were amazing, the art we found was mind blowing, and the live music that our camp produced every night was breathtaking! Everyone in camp has come to know and love my wonderful top hat, BOB... "don't go home without it" is my motto with him! I never wander around the playa without him adorning my head :) Watching the temple burn was ridiculous! Biggest temple burn EVER! I made so many amazing friends, and I was totally inspired for our wedding! I knew I would find something out there that would kick the inspiration into full gear, and boy did I ever! There was an art piece called "Wet Dreams" way out on the playa somewhere... It was an installation that Was a giant gazebo, with about 200 white parasol umbrellas, hanging at different heights from the top, all over, in and around it... they added running white lights dangling throughout, and created this amazing piece of art that made your mind wander to a place it had never been before! (The pic above is the best one I have from one of our adventures into it!) So, we have decided that at our wedding, we will have about 200 white umbrellas, hanging in the trees in front of the Victorian mansion we're getting married at :) All at different heights, and with the running xmas lights throughout... its going to be beautiful!

So... I'm still cleaning the dust off, still wrapping my head back around reality... but once again, the playa dust has infected me with love, inspiration, power and drive... thank you Burningman. You always remind me what's real.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

clothes I've made....

An example of some of the stuff I've done in the past few years...

more illustrations...

These are conceptual sketches for a Female Devil and a Vampiress costume...


I just wanted to share some of my fashion illustrations I've done... I love drawing, both on my computer and free hand... I'd love to make a paper doll book someday.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Latest Phantom Video

Video of the recent Phantom stuff... I'm working on shirts for my etsy store right now... I wore one of my shirts to Mexico a few weeks ago for a yoga/surf retreat, and a lot of the girls said they would buy the shirt if I made I'm 4 shirts in, hoping to get 10 up on my store by the end of the week... I'll upload a pic as soon as I can! They're RAD. I love how they look... anyway...ta ta for now. xo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Phantom was sold out in Canada this weekend!

The show traveled to Canada this weekend, and performed to a completely sold out show... pretty rad stuff!